Monday, January 12, 2009

My New Creations!

Gabrielle loves her tutu.

Valentine's Tutu. I ran out of Tulle so it isn't

finished yet.

Princess Hair Bows

Korker Ribbon Hair Bows

(My first ever bows!)

I am so proud of myself! I got the bug to start making hair bows and tutus for the girls. I don't know what made me think I wanted to do this but I am glad I did. I am having so much fun and it is nice to have a "hobby". Gabrielle really enjoys the stuff I am making too, she is my best cheerleader. I can't wait until Giana has hair too! I am just a beginner so these are by no means perfect, but after I practice making more, they will be (I hope!). One of my biggest problems is getting the second bow to look just like the first bow.


Ruth Chowdhury said...

Very impressive! Those are your firsts? Cool! I wouldn't even know where to start. (You gonna be selling them soon?) ;)

Mom of Two Princesses said...

Thanks! Yup these are my first creations. I just finished the tutu tonight. I think I have a long way to go before I could start selling them. I found all of the instructions for free on the web.

LisaBE said...

They are beautiful! I purchased ribbon and elastic but haven't even attempted anything like this before. Great job.

American Homemaker said...

I've made those tu-tus before! They were so simple and fun. I sold some at a craft fair :)