I can't believe it, I really still can't believe it as I stare down at the baby chicks inhabiting my kitchen! I pulled the trigger and got 6 baby chicks. I have been obsessed with getting chicks since my husband told me about them at Tractor Supply in March. I checked out every library book on raising chickens (I hope no one else was trying to check chicken books out) and have read up on everything there is to know about them, but I am still scared! What do I really know about raising livestock of any kind? I am a suburban girl thrown into the country!
They are fascinating little creatures to watch. As soon as we got home we knew which chick was Gabrielle's because it is super curious and sings LOUDLY all of the time. She named her Luey. Well, according to Gabrielle, they are all named Luey! There is another chick that is very much like Giana, quiete, laid-back and likes to sleep. Right now she calls it Dema. I got naming rights to two of the chicks and mine are Mable and Ester. Mable is the really yellow one and I haven't decided which one is Ester. Jim at first wanted to call his LuLu and then Bob and I am not really sure what now and Olivia said she would like to call her's Poachy but once she actually sees them she might change her mind.
Gabrielle likes to play with them and Giana would like to touch them too but she is an obsessive thumbsucker and I am a mad freak about her touching them and then putting her thumb in her mouth! I watch them like a hawk making sure as soon as they are done touching the birds they thoroughly wash their hands and then use sanitizer!
What have I gotten myself into?